Did you know that travel insurance can...
...cover costs from cancellations or interruptions?
Flights, tours and other travel plans sometimes change or get cancelled due to circumstances out of your control. SafeTrip plans refund some or all unused payments or deposits, plus new travel arrangements and other emergency needs might be covered.
...cover missing or damaged luggage?
It just happens sometimes: Bags get lost, stolen or damaged. Lost luggage insurance reimburses you for replacing essentials.
...provide support in an emergency?
A misplaced ID. A delayed flight. When things don’t go according to plan, a travel assistance expert is just a call away.
Is it worth adding travel insurance?
Minimize cancellation or interruption expense
Ever missed a flight connection, been grounded for weather, or had a flight cancelled? The ripple-effect costs add up.
A plan B for lost, stolen or damaged bags
You can’t hit the beach without a swimsuit, or hike without your boots. Get reimbursed for essentials you replace.
24/7 travel assistance services
Need new reservations after flights get bumped and plans go awry? Our experts help in all sorts of ways.
Rental car add-on insurance
Gearing up for a coast-to-coast road trip? Put the miles on a rental car with our add-on plan.
For 4-legged friends: Emergency pet boarding
If a cancellation or delay means your dog or cat needs to extend their boarding stay, that cost is covered too.
A plan for all your gear
If you’re headed to the slopes or deep into the sea, there’s an add-on to cover sporting equipment damage or loss.
Get the right travel insurance coverage for your trip
Make a travel dream come true. And be safer.
With the right coverage, your dream vacation will be protected from unforseen events. Even if delays or cancellations change the schedule, your SafeTrip trip insurance plan helps with unexpected costs plus support in figuring out how to get back to your itinerary.
Go forth confidently. Protect work travel.
The expense of business travel affects your business’s bottom line. With the right plan, you get the support you need to maintain productivity and stay as close to your game plan as possible, even if weather, delays and other challenges arise.